
Zhaienhe Zhou

Bachelor Student
University of Science and Technology of China
zehzhou (at) mail.ustc.edu.cn

About Me

Hello, I’m Zhaienhe Zhou, a second-year bachelor’s student majoring in Computer Science at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), School of the Gifted Young. I’m also enrolled in the Talent Program in Computer Science (Yingcai Class).

My interests lie in theoretical computer science and I’m currently supervised by Prof. Xue Chen. I also participate in competitive programming, with achievements such as ICPC 2024 World-Finalist (expected), and multiple awards in NOI, ICPC Regional Contests & East Continent Final, USACO, and Codeforces.

Research Interests

I’m interested in theoretical computer science, including randomized algorithms, and graph theory.

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


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